Wednesday, June 29, 2011

RFA, UFA, a/s/l, WTF acronyms...

One of these fellows is an RFA--restricted free agent--that's mperreault.

As of Monday, the Caps gave him an offer and also reserved the right to match any offer he receives from another team. So, there's the restriction.

As for the UFA--unrestricted free agent, in the form of RJ08--he's still listed as being on the Lightning roster, but no blurbs about him being re-signed just yet. I wouldn't mind him being a few hundred miles closer, but Florida is awfully nice in the winter. Oh, the dilemma.

Looks like I'm 100% sure on a Caps apparel purchase, but still on the fence about anything else. I was even tempted to buy a player-number t-shirt in Pittsburgh over the weekend because it said "Jones." Yeah, yeah. Wrong city, sport, and first name. And the guy probably can't skate, either.

On the up side, I did get to see Heinz Field. No, it's not made of ketchup.

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